Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Absence Makes the Stress Grow Stronger

From having spring break and at least Gillian having a pretty relaxed week of school last week, we realized that taking time to not do any school work and focusing on relaxing does wonders for your mental health. We are a lot more chill than we were before because of the ways we found to relax. The stress relieving techniques, like using our journal type thing to pretty much go on a rant about our feelings, have actually really helped us in dealing with our daily struggles. Also, Gillian found out that the key to success is extra sleep (especially if you’re currently in high school and are stressed about everything). It works wonders if you just take a minute out of your day to just chill out. It’s like that old anger-management technique, where you count down from ten and think before you fly off the handle. Plus, as a result of our lives being more chill, we’ve discovered that our schedules are more balanced. Even with the impending doom of more color guard practices, we’ve been surprised by the lack of craziness in our lives. Alternatively, we discovered that not having guard turns out attention to school, making us stress about it more and our lives harder. And we don’t have an outlet to destress.
We now want to see if other people have this same kind of feeling with their activities so we made a survey to see what other have to say about their stress. It would mean a lot to us if you would fill it out and it would help us and others to see if this is something we should make aware to people so they know that having something to do other than academics is healthy both mentally and physically.
So far, this project has been really fun and eye-opening. We haven’t had really any setbacks thankfully.

Our remaining goals are to spread awareness about student stress. We’d really appreciate it if you’d fill out our survey and spread the word, as it would help us achieve this goal.


  1. I don't know how many responses you've gotten on your survey but you ought to try changing your questions to be a scale of 1-10, so you can get a better understanding of how much stress impacts them.

  2. I agree with Mr. Orre, or the likert scale could be another option. Also, maybe you could post your survey on facebook or another social media outlet to spread the word faster.

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  4. I can definitely relate with ya'll when it comes down to not having an outlet to destress. Much like when you guys had the break from color guard when I don't have dance for a few days I either don't know what to do with myself or I miss it because I'd rather be at a 4 hour practice than study for my Trig Test. As far as spreading the word for your survey, post it in the SHS class of 2017 group thats what Vega and I did :)
