Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Final 20 Time Reflection

For our 20 Time project never really had a final product for our discoveries and self experiment but we still had a lot to take away from it. You can watch our Ted Talk about our project here to see everything about it. Our experiment of sorts was to observe our own lives to find what aspects of a student's life cause the most stress and how our extracurriculars play into our stress levels. After we started this, it became a very large part of how we reduced stress because of how we were recording our feeling by ranting, that release relieved a huge amount of stress from our lives. On this blog post you can see our realization of how we were noticing pattern in our lives and when our project became what it is.

Making a Ted talk for the project was actually pretty fun to do because I got to work with Amelia, and I knew that we could rely on each other to carry the weight needed to have a good Ted Talk. Because we rehearsed the talk a few times it went quite well even if I forgot a few things since I get a little nervous. After re-watching our talk it was better than I thought but definitely was not as professional and comfortable as the real Ted Talks scientists do. I feel like we did pretty well because we payed attention to the rubric carefully even if we did forget a few things and did exactly what was required.

I completely plan on continuing to record my feelings to reduce my stress because it really did help. I hope other teachers can put something like this into their classes to get student more passionate.

As you may know, I've been doing a semester-long project about stress. I made a new blog about it, where I explained what we would be doing and reported our progress on a bi-weekly basis. It was really fun to see our progress and to see what we discovered. At the end of the year, we concluded this project with a Ted Talk presentation, which was actually our final "test" for this class. If you want to see it, here’s the link.

Overall, I think our Ted Talk went really well. Our presentation had to be within 4-5 minutes, and we almost nailed that. (I think we went a few seconds over the limit). We had rehearsed well enough so that we had our presentation memorized, which made everything run really smoothly and made us look really professional. I liked working with my friend; we're really close, and it really helped to have someone who knew what I was thinking contribute to this project. Time management was also pretty easy for us, especially since this project was pretty laid back. Honestly, I would give me and my partner the same grade that our teacher gave, since I feel that he graded us very fairly. Also, I think we did really well.

What I took away from this project was actually a surprise to me. Throughout the semester, me and my partner had written down our feelings at the end of every week to monitor our stress levels. It turned out to be a stress-reliever in itself. Basically, since it was a really easy and good reliever of stress, I am going to continue this in the future (and suggest you do, too). We hadn't actually planned this when we started our project, but it was really nice to discover this helpful tool for the future. This project was a really fun thing to do over the semester, and I'm glad that I found this technique!

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